Monday, April 18, 2011

I wrote a poem!

In writing class, we are supposed to "immerse" ourselves in poetry. This morning I was immersed in spring snow and bored dog. Tonight i am immersed in tequila.

Here is my go at poetry: (yes, i know it doesn't rhyme)


My fingernails are brown with earth
I have patted to the bottom
of the wide mouth glass jar.

Soil sits on top of stones
stolen from the shore,
grains of sand that will never be.

Button ferns and baby’s tears
and one begonia –
(because they are hearty
and like to keep to themselves)
tucked next to one another
but soon to look like one –
the way the forest, seen from the highway
is just a forest,
not one fern, not one fir, not one moss blanketed linden

Placed too close together,

each knows it’s place
as green encircles the red begonia

I crave spots of beauty these days,
Little living things I can put a top on
And admire and not worry about.

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