Tuesday, April 2, 2013

day one of poetry month

i found one thing out about trying to write poems before going to bed: i couldn't fall asleep. lines, not plot lines, but lines of words kept going through my head. my heart was racing and if i didn't know better, i would have thought i was caffinated.  so i have four pages of poem-ish writing.  if felt great to be writing in a notebook instead of on the computer where i have been doing my other writing lately. so i have a poem called "father forgive me for i have sinned" and i have one called "annemarie singer doesn't have a dad"
i am going to use a photo prompt today, a photo that haunts me for a few reasons. this photo is part of the wallpaper at froggies, a restaurant i have been to twice.  this photo is in the bathroom and it looks remarkabley like my niece charlotte. there is something in this little girls eyes that have made me notice her, so i will write about her. 

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